jeudi 18 avril 2024

Corps perdus

Corps perdus 13’
Pièce sonore, stéréo. 

Première : 12 avril 2024, Acousmonium du Groupe Recherche Musicale Pierre Schaeffer.

Through the process of voice recording and editing, the human shape can expands, mutates, seemingly without end. Breathing remains, as the trace of our finitude. It becomes a tool of expressivity in music composition, as well as a precious and significant trace of animality. In Corps perdus, the pre-verbal voice oscillates between identifiable presence and electronic wave, materialization and dematerialization of the human figure. The piece is articulated in four mouvemente, without transitions, that represent the post-human becoming of a voice. Duplicated, stretched to overcome its living-breathing condition to approach the continuum of an electronic pure wave, the voice turns to a choir, to an instrumental ensemble, a spectral pool. A movement arises from noise, electro-magnetical interferences, to the embodied voice, becoming a sound object. A post-human voice, split, transposed outside the human spectrum, and having joined the electronic flow. 

GRM Accousmonium - Champs-sur-Marne. 12.04.