jeudi 18 avril 2024

Corps perdus

Corps perdus 13’
Pièce sonore, stéréo. 

Première : 12 avril 2024, Acousmonium du Groupe Recherche Musicale Pierre Schaeffer.

Through the process of voice recording and editing, the human shape can expands, mutates, seemingly without end. Breathing remains, as the trace of our finitude. It becomes a tool of expressivity in music composition, as well as a precious and significant trace of animality. In Corps perdus, the pre-verbal voice oscillates between identifiable presence and electronic wave, materialization and dematerialization of the human figure. The piece is articulated in four mouvemente, without transitions, that represent the post-human becoming of a voice. Duplicated, stretched to overcome its living-breathing condition to approach the continuum of an electronic pure wave, the voice turns to a choir, to an instrumental ensemble, a spectral pool. A movement arises from noise, electro-magnetical interferences, to the embodied voice, becoming a sound object. A post-human voice, split, transposed outside the human spectrum, and having joined the electronic flow. 

GRM Accousmonium - Champs-sur-Marne. 12.04.

samedi 29 avril 2023

Drom vāta śunel ćirla


Drom vāta śunel ćirla (9:55) 


Un bestiaire de chats, de chiens, d'éléphants et de reptiles rencontre un piano préparé et des voix chuchotées se transformant en tornades. Entre un cirque au repos et les dieux de l'Inde ancienne, les esprits d'un voyage méconnu sont exhumés avec beaucoup de persévérance dans la caravane désormais immobile. Un métamorphe, au-delà des genres, animal, humain, voire météorologique, s'élève avec sa voix laissant progressivement place à l'énergie pure du synthétiseur.

A bestiary of cats, dogs, elephants and reptiles meets prepared piano, and whispering voices turning into tornadoes.The title is blending two languages, Romany and Sanskrit. Between a resting circus and the gods from ancient India, spirits of a little-known journey are exhumed with great perseverance in the now immobile caravan.  A shapeshifter, beyond genders, animal, human, even meteorological raises with its voice gradually giving way to the pure energy of the synthesizer.

Métamorphe (4:29)  

Surgissant d'une pluie fine, le souffle d'une femme se mêle au bestiaire d'un écosystème humide, un sous-bois, où les créatures se distinguent à peine : loups, insectes, petits bruits amplifiés, grands bruits assourdis. Des sons qui s'enroulent et tournent au sol et dans les airs réveillent des énergies mutantes entrelacées, qui sont emportées dans une tornade entre tonalité et bruit dans une volée de mouettes.

Emerging from a light rain, a woman's breath mingles with the bestiary of a humid ecosystem, an undergrowth, where creatures are barely distinguishable: wolves, insects, small sounds amplified, big sounds muted.  Sounds winding and spinning on the ground and in the air awaken intertwined mutant energies, which are carried away in a tornado between tonal and noise in a flock of seagulls.

Ina Sup - GRM 2022/23

samedi 10 octobre 2020


(2020) Aucune résolution même mécanique. 

mercredi 23 septembre 2020

Permutation city



Peer is walking vertically along a building in slow motion, Paul is crossing the street engulfed in people's energy and Maria wakes up speechless in a chiffon she never saw before. All are into the plasticity of a virtual world made for their safety.

Music & mise en ondes by Eau de Source
Texts by Greg Egan / Permutation City (2000)




mercredi 18 mars 2020

samedi 20 avril 2019


As one must always go back to the source, this also would be futile to attempt putting the toothpaste back into the tube. Hijacking of materials gleaned along the way (video archives, instrumental records, borrowed instruments, antic scores, field recordings) when I’m not composing from scratch, I like rearrange, rewrite and extend. 

Like a musical comedy or a very modest opera show that could find its place in a hat, I aim to take the audience on a cinematic experimental minimal electronic wave, with, inter-alia, post-punkT & Ko(s)miches Musik (kraut) influences.